Project 4

Preliminary Geological Evaluation of Coal Deposit, Southern Province, Zambia

Country: Zambia
Region: South-central Africa
Period: 2022
Commodity: Coal
The reconnaissance mission covered three (03) prospects adjacent to each other covering a total of about 700 sq. km. The terrain essentially exposes major geological Era rock units comprising Basement rock, Proterozoic metamorphic rock, younger volcanic rocks & substantially with basaltic/andesitic flows correlated to rifting in Zambezi valley. The scope of work included,
Desktop review of Zambezi valley coal deposit, Airborne data analysis, Remote Sensing based terrain evaluation & structural mapping.
Site investigation to understand the geological characteristics, structural features, terrain attributes & viability of the deposit for further development.
Analyse, interpret & generate overview of the geological condition of the Gwembe coal formation.
The sedimentary unit containing coal deposit apparently occur in a very restricted space in between basaltic terrain to the south & basement rock in the northern areas. Interpretation of regional data using satellite & air bone data indicated apparent flow of Basalt & Andesite through multiple vents which lead to significant tectonic disturbances in the lower stratigraphic formation thus inducing faulting / dislocation / truncation / uplifting of the coal bearing sedimentary unit leading to severe reduction in area available for prospecting. Further on-ground evaluation using Geophysical techniques such as Gravity & Magnetic survey would help in evolving the tectonic framework & has been recommended. Drilling evaluation in the proximal area of known coal bearing horizon would reveal the true potential of the deposit.